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Guidelines for the Operation of the IMSS Mailbox

On August 5, 2024, the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) published Agreement number ACDO.AS2.HCT.230724/261.P.DIR, issued by the Honorable Technical Council of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), which establishes the **General Guidelines for the Operation of the IMSS Mailbox**. This agreement is part of the IMSS’s strategy to digitize its services and improve the management of social security in Mexico.

What is the IMSS Mailbox?

The IMSS Mailbox is an electronic tool that facilitates interaction between the IMSS and both individuals and legal entities, enabling the receipt and sending of documents, notifications of administrative and tax acts, and the execution of various procedures digitally.

Key Points of the New Guidelines

  1. Mandatory Use of the IMSS Mailbox: As of August 6, 2024, individuals and legal entities must enable the IMSS Mailbox as the official communication channel with the Institute. This will be the primary means to receive notifications of administrative acts, submit filings, requests, and fulfill tax and social security obligations.
  2. Registration and Updating of Contact Information: It is necessary for both individuals and legal entities to register and keep their contact information, including email addresses and mobile phone numbers, up to date. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the notification of important acts through public postings, which increases the risk of not receiving critical information in a timely manner.
  3. Operation of the IMSS Mailbox: The procedures and services available through the IMSS Mailbox are detailed in the Annex to the Agreement. These include the consultation of determination certificates, statements of credited weeks, electronic notifications regarding company classifications, among others. All documents sent or received through the Mailbox must be electronically signed using e.firma, ensuring their authenticity and legal validity.
  4. Electronic Notifications: Notifications sent by the IMSS through the Mailbox will have the same validity as those delivered in person or through traditional means. Individuals and legal entities will have three business days to open notified documents; otherwise, they will be automatically considered received on the fourth business day.
  5. Sanctions for Non-Compliance: Non-compliance in the proper use and activation of the IMSS Mailbox will be sanctioned according to the General Law of Administrative Responsibilities, the Social Security Law, and other applicable provisions.


It is essential for companies and individuals subject to IMSS regulations to enable their IMSS Mailbox and ensure their contact information is kept up to date. This will help avoid sanctions and ensure they stay informed of all notifications and requirements from the Institute.

Deadline for Activation

Individuals and legal entities have a maximum of 180 calendar days from the effective date of these guidelines (August 6, 2024) to enable their IMSS Mailbox or, if applicable, sign the “Terms and Conditions for the Use of the IMSS Mailbox.”

For any additional queries or specific assistance, we are at your disposal.


Labor and Social Security Practice

Franco Herrera /

Javier Canseco /

Ana María Becerra /

Alma Oviedo /

Eduardo Cortés /

Isaac Corral /

Perla Arreola /

Raúl Lara Maiz /

Roberto Alvarez Malo /

Rogelio Sánchez /

Adriana Gómez /

Antonio Flores /

Elisa Cortés /

Reynold González /

Francisco Navarrete /

Gustavo Carrillo /

Iván Arriaga /

Jesús Perales /

Luis Nicolás /

Misael Granados /



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