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Dear customers and friends:

Let us recall that as of 2021, individuals or legal entities providing specialized services or executing specialized works must have a registration with the Ministry of Labor and Social Security (STPS) for the provision of their services, and consequently the Register of Specialized Services or Specialized Works Providers (REPSE) platform was created.

Those persons registered in the Public Register of Contractors of Specialized Services or Specialized Works before the REPSE, had to renew their registration every three (3) years, being that the renewal of such registration had to be processed within three (3) months prior to the date on which the term of their registration expires.

However, in recent days an amending Agreement (Agreement) was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) regarding the “General Provisions for the registration of individuals or legal entities that provide specialized services or perform specialized works referred to in Article 15 of the Federal Labor Law (Ley Federal del Trabajo)” (outsourcing).

The Agreement establishes that individuals or legal entities interested in registering in the Register and those who are already registered and need to renew their registration must access the platform to request registration and provide the required information, and must be up to date with their tax and social security obligations with the Tax Administration Service (SAT), the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) and the National Workers’ Housing Fund Institute (INFONAVIT).

During the registration or renewal process, applicants must provide, under oath, information and documentation, in accordance with the requirements of the platform, regarding: training, certifications, permits or licenses that regulate the activity, equipment, technology, assets, capital stock, machinery, risk level, average salary range, experience, among others.

The specialized services or works to be registered must be contemplated within their corporate purpose and, in the case of individuals, within their tax status certificate.

Once the information and documentation has been completed and uploaded, the Platform will assign an entry folio number with which the applicant will be able to follow up on the registration.

The STPS, through the Platform, shall issue a decision on the registration or renewal request within twenty (20) business days following receipt of the request through the Platform. Failure to do so, applicants may request the STPS to issue the corresponding notice of registration or renewal, as the case may be, within three (3) business days following the filing of the request. Once said period has elapsed without the notice of registration or renewal thereof having been issued, the registration or renewal shall be deemed to have been performed.

The term to resolve the application for registration or renewal thereof shall begin to run from the date of receipt of the application.
Once the documentation has been reviewed, as well as the fulfillment of all the requirements, the STPS will proceed with the registration or renewal in the Register, issuing for such purpose the corresponding registration or renewal notice, as the case may be, which will be made known to the applicant through the previously established means of communication.

The registration or renewal notice shall include the registration number, an activity folio number for each registered specialized service or work, the name of the service or specialized work and the name of the individual or legal entity that owns it.

It is important to mention that the Agreement establishes that the three (3) years of validity of the registration notices will now be counted from the date on which the individuals or legal entities have been registered in the Register, regardless of whether they have made an update or modification to their registration.

For the renewal of the registration of individuals or legal entities registered in the Register, the platform will enable a module called “Registration Renewal”, which may only be accessed during the period defined by the STPS, in accordance with the validity of their registration notice, in accordance with the following calendar:

Es de relevancia que conforme a las nuevas disposiciones las personas físicas o morales inscritas en el Padrón únicamente podrán llevar a cabo su proceso de renovación en las fechas establecidas con antelación, una vez agotado dicho plazo, la plataforma de manera automática, deshabilitará el módulo de renovación.

Así mismo, a las personas físicas y morales inscritas en el Padrón que no renueven su registro dentro del plazo establecido y en cumplimiento al Acuerdo, se les cancelará el registro.

A las personas a las que se les haya cancelado su registro de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el Acuerdo, y que con motivo de dicha cancelación fueron dados de baja del Padrón y hayan realizado un nuevo proceso de registro, la vigencia de los 3 años de dichos registros se contabilizará a partir de la nueva inscripción en el Padrón.

Una vez realizada la renovación del registro y conforme a las nuevas disposiciones, el prestador de servicios especializadas o ejecutor de obras especializadas deberá de informar a sus beneficiarios de los servicios u obras especializadas sobre la renovación de dicho registro.

Por último, es importante destacar que las nuevas disposiciones contenidas en el Acuerdo ya se encuentran en vigor, por lo que los invitamos a revisar la vigencia de sus registros, así como la de los registros de sus prestadores de servicios especializados u obras especializadas a fin de garantizar el cumplimiento a la normatividad actual en materia de outsourcing, por lo que nos ponemos a sus órdenes para apoyarlos.

Sin otro particular por el momento, quedamos a sus órdenes para cualquier duda o comentario al respecto.

Labor and Social Security Practice

Elisa Cortés /
Perla Arreola /
Ana María Becerra /
Isaac Corral /
Javier Canseco /
Roberto Alvarez Malo /
Rogelio Sánchez /
Adriana Gómez /
Alma Oviedo /
Antonio Flores /
Eduardo Cortés /
Gustavo Carrillo /
Iván Arriaga /
Jessica Fernández /


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