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Suspension of Activities COVID-19

Dear Clients and Friends,

Today, on March 31st, the Accord establishing extraordinary actions to address the health emergency arising from the Covid-19 virus was published in the evening edition of the Official Gazette of the Federation.

As an extraordinary measure, the immediate suspension of non-essential activities from March 30th to April 30th, 2020 is established to deal with the health emergency (which is different from a health contingency).

Due to the foregoing, only the following activities, considered essential during the health emergency, may continue operating:

(i) Those that are directly necessary to help with the health emergency, such as the work activities of the medical, paramedical, administrative and support branches throughout the National Health System.

(ii) Those who participate in their supply and services, highlighting the pharmaceutical sector, both  its production and distribution (pharmacies).

(iii) The manufacture of supplies, medical equipment and technologies for health care.

(iv) Those involved in the proper disposal of biological-infectious hazardous waste (RPBI), as well as in the cleaning and sanitizing of medical units in all different levels of service

(v) Those involved in public security and citizen safeguard; in the defense of national integrity and sovereignty; the procurement and administration of justice; as well as legislative activity at the federal and state levels.

(vi) The fundamental sectors of the economy: financial, tax collection

(vii) Distribution and sale of energy, gas and gas stations, generation and distribution of drinking water, food and non-alcoholic beverages industries, food markets, supermarkets, self-service stores, grocery stores and sale of prepared foods; passenger and cargo transportation services; agricultural, fishing and livestock production, agroindustry, chemical industry, cleaning products; hardware stores, courier services, guards in private security tasks; day-care centers and nurseries, nursing homes and homes for the elderly, shelters and care centers for women victims of violence, their daughters and sons; telecommunications and information media; private emergency services, burial services, storage services and cold chain services for essential supplies; logistics (airports, ports and railways), and activities whose suspension could have irreversible effects on their continuation.

(viii) Those related to the operation of governmental social programs.

(ix) Those necessary for the conservation, maintenance and repair of critical infrastructure that ensures the production and distribution of indispensable services such as: drinking water, electric power, gas, oil, gasoline, jet fuel, basic sanitation, public transportation, hospital and medical infrastructure, among others that could be included  under this category.

In all the places and venues where the activities defined as essential are carried out, the following practices must be undertaken on a mandatory basis:

a. Meetings or congregations of more than 50 people are not allowed.
b. All other healthy distance measures in force, issued by the Federal Health Department.

For purposes of complying with the measures dictated in today’s Accord, the following measures must be observed:

We will remain very attentive to the updates by the Health Authorities on this matter, in order to keep you informed, and also we will stay available to answer any questions regarding this latest communiqué.

Labor & Social Security
Isaac Corral
Ana María Becerra
Perla Arreola
Javier Canseco
Roberto Álvarez-Malo
Rogelio Sánchez


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