Dear Clients and Friends,
On March 24th, the agreement/decree that establishes preventive measures for the mitigation and risks control regarding the SARS-CoV2 virus (COVID-19) was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation.
These measures will be mandatory for the public, private and social sectors, and must be implemented as of March 24. Among the most important are:
a. Avoid the assistance to work centers, public areas and other crowded places of adults over 65 years old, pregnant or nursing women, children under 5 years old, people with disabilities, people with chronic non transmissible diseases (people with arterial hypertension, pulmonary, renal insufficiency, lupus, cancer, diabetes mellitus, obesity, hepatic or metabolic insufficiency, heart disease), or with any condition or pharmacological treatment that causes supression of their immune system.
b. These persons must not present themselves for work and will continue to enjoy their salary and other benefits established within their individual or collective contracts, legal contracts or the applicable general working conditions.
c. If an agreement (of any kind) has been made in your Company involving the persons mentioned in paragraph a), it ceases to have effect and the payment of wages and benefits must be applied to these persons, as indicated in paragraph b).
d. Temporary suspension of public, social and private sector activities involving the physical concentration, transit or displacement of people from March 24 to April 19, 2020.
e. Temporary suspension, until further notice from the health authority, of mass events, meetings and congregations of more than 100 people.
It is very important to mention that the decree is ambiguous and unclear, which has generated many doubts and concerns among various sectors of society that to date have not been clarified by the Federal Government, but we hope that they will be soon.
Therefore we suggest not to rush into decision-making and to keep informed and in touch with the Firm’s Specialist Lawyers who will help you “navigate through this moment of crisis”.
As we get more information, we will let you know.
Labor & Social Security
Ana María Becerra
Perla Arreola
Isaac Corral
Javier Canseco
Roberto Álvarez-Malo
Rogelio Sánchez
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