EC Rubio offers a wide range of environmental legal services designed to meet the needs of our clients in a complex regulatory environment, which, coupled with the climate crisis, is constantly changing and requires specialized legal advice.

We provide comprehensive legal services and personalized attention, from management and procedures before all levels of government, audits, training, and legal and administrative consulting, to defense in strategic litigation in contentious matters, including administrative and criminal procedures.

We help our clients comply with all applicable environmental regulations, stay up-to-date on policies aimed at organizational sustainability, and apply rules related to environmental responsibility.

Our services

1. Regulatory Compliance

• Audits to assess compliance with environmental regulations and identify potential risks.
• Interpretation of regulatory matters.
• Consultancy in the creation of policies and compliance with corporate objectives in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) matters, in accordance with international standards and applicable regulations in Mexico.


2. Litigation and Environmental Defense

• Administrative procedures.
• Environmental litigation.


3. Due Diligence and Transactional

• Evaluation of environmental aspects in audits and contract negotiations.
• Assistance in contract negotiations with environmental aspects.


4. Sustainable Projects

• Development of sustainable energy projects (biogas, solar, wind, hydroelectric, among others) and climate change initiatives.
• Land development and zoning restrictions.


5. Water Resources Management

• Evaluation and risk management in terms of drinking water, drainage, sanitation, and sanitary and/or contaminant discharges.
• Treatment and reuse of wastewater, including projects for the use of treated wastewater in industry.


6. Legal and Technical Assistance

• Assistance in urban planning procedures and public service feasibility.
• Advice on the regulation of emissions into the atmosphere from fixed and mobile sources.
• Management of solid urban waste, special waste, and hazardous waste.


7. Environmental Impact Assessment

• Advice for the submission of environmental risk and impact statements, both general and industrial (federal/state).


8. Animal Protection and Wildlife

• Advice on compliance with legislation on animal protection.
• Management and advice on the sustainable use of wildlife, including hunting and recreational fishing activities in Mexico.