Dear clients and friends,

Published on June 11TH, the Seventh Resolution of Modifications to the General Rules of Foreign Trade for 2020 (“Resolution”) establishes changes to authorizations issued by the Tax Administration Service to allow the dispatch of goods in places other than those authorized (customs, custom sections, authorized border crossings, ports, airports and terminals with customs services).

According to Rule 2.4.1. of the Resolution, from now on, only the State’s productive enterprises, its subsidiaries, and subsidiary enterprises will be able to apply for such authorizations or, where appropriate, their extension, where the following goods are concerned:

1. Hydrocarbons, petroleum products (including those mixed with components other than petroleum or natural gas), petrochemicals, and biofuels.[1]

2. Chemical precursors of:

– Fentanyl[2]
– Methamphetamine[3]
– Essential chemicals[4]

3. Minerals[5], where such goods exit the country.

Pending requests for authorization or extensions to dispatch hydrocarbons and fuels in places other than customs offices will be resolved under the new rule.

Amendments to Rule 2.4.1. entered into force on June 12, as provided by the First Transitory Article of the Resolution.

It should be clarified, however, that it applies only to the goods listed above. In case of other goods, authorizations will continue to be processed as before and will not be limited to the State’s productive enterprises, its subsidiaries, and subsidiary enterprises; any private entity may apply for them.

[1] Including those listed in sectors 12 “ethyl alcohol ” y 13 “hydrocarbons and fuels “, del Section A, Annex 10 and Annex 14 of the General Rules of Foreign Trade 2020.

[2] Classified with the following tariff codes 2903.99.99, 2921.41.01, 2933.33.03, 2933.39.24, 2933.39.99.

[3] Classified with the following tariff codes: 2811.19.99, 2837.19.99, 2903.12.01, 2904.20.99, 2912.11.01, 2914.13.01, 2914.40.02, 2914.40.99, 2915.11.01, 2915.12.03, 2915.13.01, 2915.31.01, 2916.34.01, 2916.39.08, 2916.39.99, 2921.19.99, 2922.50.99, 2924.19.06, 2924.19.99,2924.29.99, 2930.90.99, 2932.92.01, 2932.99.99, 2939.41.01, 2939.42.01, 2939.49.99, 2939.69.99.

[4] Classified with the following tariff codes: 2801.20.01, 2804.70.04, 2811.29.99, 2815.11.01, 2815.12.01, 2815.20.03, 2827.10.01, 2827.20.01, 2841.69.99, 2902.20.01, 2905.59.99, 2915.29.99, 2915.31.01, 2915.39.99, in tariff heading 29.18, 2918.16.03, 2922.19.99, 2926.90.99, 2930.90.99.

[5] Including those classified in Chapters 25 and 26 of the General Import and Export Tax Tariff (TIGIE).


International Trade & Customs

Felipe Mendoza
Eduardo David
Juan Carlos Partida
Fernando Holguín
Alejandro Montes
Edmundo Hernández
Arturo Bañuelos
Gerardo Olea

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