Individuals and legal entities that hire foreign personnel or issue an offer of employment to a foreign person in Mexico, must obtain their Employer’s Registration Certificate (the “Certificate”) from the Representation Office of the National Immigration Institute (Instituto Nacional de Migración or INM, for its acronym in Spanish) corresponding to their domicile. This Certificate allows them to prove their legal personality and authority, so that in subsequent procedures in which they issue an offer of employment or act as promoters, they only present their Certificate in order to evidence their legal personality and the authority of their legal representative.

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 166 of the Immigration Law (Ley de Migración), and Article 65 of the Guidelines for Immigration Procedures and Formalities in force, the Certificate must be updated in the following cases:

1.- Yearly after the filling of the annual tax return of:

  • Individuals, as of April 30 of each year.
  • Legal entities, that have until March 31 of each year to file their annual tax return; therefore, they must comply with the update as soon as they have the receipt issued by the Tax Administration Service (Servicio de Administración Tributaria or SAT, for its acronym in Spanish) for the filing of the aforementioned tax return.


2.- Within thirty calendar days subsequent to the occurrence of any of the following changes:

  • Domicile
  • Legal Representative or Attorney-in-Fact

The purpose of updating the Employer’s Registration Certificate is to certify that individuals and legal entities continue performing their activities on a regular basis, so it is their responsibility to keep their records updated with the INM.



Alicia Gutiérrez / [email protected]
Lilián Vizcaino / [email protected]
Marcela Guzmán / [email protected]
Juan Carlos Partida / [email protected]
Pablo Rosenzweig / [email protected]


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